Employee training
Change readiness assessment
Behavioural branding
Employee training
Customer-focused organisation
What is a employee training?
After the brand work is before the brand work. After successful strategic brand development, the implementation is set on the agenda. ‘Colorful, new pictures are quickly made,’ they say. But what about the employees’ behavior? They have communicated, behaved and worked in the same way for years – and suddenly a lot is supposed to change? In addition to communicative implementation, employees are the key success drivers and factors in a successful brand implementation process.
Therefore, it is indispensable to provide your employees with a uniform understanding of their brand and concrete behaviors, such as ‘appreciative’ or ‘customer-oriented’. It is even more important to understand exactly what this means: your employees must deliver on the promises the brand stands for! For this, it does not matter from which functional areas the employees are. More importantly, team and brand promise need to be integrated interdisciplinary, anchoring them in the mind and heart. It is crucial, that employees inspire through their behavior, only in this way others will be similarly excited. The brand lives through its employees and can consequently be brought to life for stakeholders, enabling them to truly experience the brand.
What we offer
We train exactly such standard situations in (in)direct customer contact and practice challenging situations, even 1:1 in teams of two. Our heterogeneous team of coaches – consisting of psychologists, brand experts, behavioral coaches and industry specialists – develops an individual and interactive concept for employee trainings.
Together with you, this is done in advance. On the one hand, the point of contact such as sales talk, communication, trade fair, service case or telephone contact, and the associated objectives are important. On the other hand, it is the combination of the various training formats that is intended to bring about a lasting change in employee behavior. These formats range from World Café and Business Theater to Train-the-Trainer methods. Also, webinars or training reviews in the daily job routine are used.
During the training, the focused contact point, in the sense of the contact point journey from the customer’s point of view, is broken down into individual phases. Within the framework of the intensive discussion during the respective phase, the interdisciplinary training participants receive concrete tools to reflect and further develop their own behavior in the ‘daily business’. This will enable your employees to be both trained as well as empowered as brand ambassadors simultaneously.
Your benefit
The brand shaping behavior of your employees sustainably strengthens your company’s competitiveness. This is true, as the overarching goals – such as additional leads, more turnover and thus a generation of higher profitability – can be increased with the help of inspiring customer experiences. Prerequisite for this: A consistently lived brand promise at all relevant contact points, every day!
Contact me!
Alexander Biesalski