Behavioural branding

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Behavioural branding

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Behavioural branding

Do you remember the scene from the movie “Bodyguard”, where Kevin Coster goes to Whitney Houston’s villa for the first time because he was requested as a bodyguard? He rings at the entrance gate and mentions a name, on his way to the house he meets another bodyguard and says another name. When he arrives at the entrance door, he mentions a third name.

Did you ever wonder what your customers feel like when they get in touch with your brand at different points along the customer journey? Brands are fundamentally represented by people – people that can be very different from each other. At the various touchpoints a brand shares with its customers, it can happen that customers gain very different impressions. The less your employees are connected to your brand, the greater this danger. According to a Gallup study, the lack of commitment by employees costs German companies around 260 billion Euros per year. A 9-to-5 mentality and dealing badly with work material are only a few of many reasons for this.

This is why you need motivated employees. Your brand is an excellent means to achieve this. For this purpose, it is necessary to fulfil several prerequisites:

  • A needs-based brand positioning – it represents the necessary framework.
  • Commitment by the top-management level: only if the top-management supports the process, it can lead to success.
  • Early participation of all employees: Do not make a secret out of the project, but talk about it to reduce the uncertainty of your colleagues.
  • Cascade process: First train the management and promotors who will then train their co-workers in the next step.
  • SIIR principle: first sensitise, then inform, then involve and then realise. This creates knowledge, drive and ability among the employees.
  • Identification of the internal target groups: Determine who are the designers, mediators and ambassadors. This is importance since each of the three groups has its own roles and responsibilities.

What we offer

The tried and tested process includes two kinds of tools:

  • Informative measures that help with the communication of the brand and its content
  • Behavioural measures that help with the initiation of behavioural changes

Informative measures include:

  • Identification of quick wins
  • Demonstration of the gap or sensitisation of the gap between target group perception and target state
  • Target-/reality-comparisons that uncover potential for improvement
  • Determination of the most important touchpoints or the touchpoints with the highest potential for success regarding brand communication along the customer journey
  • Dress code or appearance
  • Brand book
  • Brand pocket card
  • Brand room (for the internal communication of the brand experience) or brand container (as mobile brand room)

Behavioural measures include:

  • Use of a business theatre to experience the optimal state or behaviour in a playful way
  • Communication of a consistent brand experience
  • Behavioural guidelines for brand-specific functional areas in order to guarantee a brand-supporting behaviour
  • Interdisciplinary workshops
  • Integration of the subject brand into the development process of employees
  • Inclusion of behavioural expectations in the target agreement and feedback discussion
  • Personal coaching
  • Training for managers
  • Training guide
  • Web training
  • E-learning
  • Internal training as brand ambassadors, -designers, -mediators

To carry out a perceptible start for the implementation that demonstrates the importance of the subject brand in the behaviour of employees, we usually recommend a “big bang” as starting point for the rollout of the brand implementation.

Your benefit

Aim of the behavioural branding is to verify the promises made through your brand in the behaviour of people. This way, you fulfil the expectations of your customers towards your brand and communicate a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints of the customer journey.

As a first step, we create high motivation and a willingness to change among your employees through the sensitisation and use of information. Your brand is internally recognised as an important value-adding factor. At the same time, the bond of your employees with your company increases through the participation in the process and the training of brand ambassadors.

In the further course of the process, the behavioural measures support you in giving your employees clear guidelines and orientation for brand-supporting behaviour. Through an interdisciplinary exchange and networking within the company, you will succeed in breaking up the “silo-thinking” according to functional areas.

You empower your organisation to bring about the change from within. This kind of change is considerably stronger and in particular more sustainable than external behavioural requirements.

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