Monetary brand valuation
Monetary brand valuation
Monetary brand valuation: uncover and use the intangible value!
Brand creates value – and it does in large quantities! On average, the brand makes up for more than 45 percent of the company’s value (B&C benchmarking database). Therefore, this intangible good is of high relevance for corporate success.

What we offer
Resilient brand values are determined “in Euro and Cent” based on accepted valuation standards. In doing so, the brand value creation from your target group’s point of view is differentiated using the “excess profit method” recommended by IDW. This helps to answer the question: “Which additional price/additional quantity can be achieved using the brand?”
More than 800 brand values determined in the course of customer orders confirm our claim. A brand value determined by B&C is:
- accepted
Norm-compliant valuation according to IDW S5 and DIN/ISO norm - resilient
Benchmarking and comparison values for the measured behavioural scientific and financial key figures - objective
Including behavioural scientific data as neutral valuation basis - reliable
Methodological valuation procedure has been proven and validated repeatedly - transparent
Structured approach demonstrates the formation process of the brand value in a simple and transparent way - specific
The valuation structure illustrates the real structure of your business model - reliable
The brand value is replicable over the course of time
Your benefit
During the monetary valuation of your brand, you should not accept any compromises. With BIESALSKI & COMPANY you have a leading partner by your side that can demonstrate cross-industrial expertise. You receive a resilient brand value that is highly accepted both in a marketing as well as in a financial and audit environment. Moreover, we have extensive benchmarking data at our disposal that we compare to the performance data of your brand. This creates clarity and makes the results interpretable in the first place.
An extensive analysis of your brand from the target group’s, market and financial perspective is prerequisite for the brand valuation. Consequently, the development of the brand value creation becomes transparent and comprehensible. Based on this, strengths and weaknesses of the brand are uncovered and precise levers for further development are identified. This lies the foundation for a value-orientated brand management. This way, not only the performance of your brand as value-adding factor is proven, but also the relevance of branding work within the organisation.